The King Maker
Genre: Action
Cast: Gary Stretch (Alexander, Oliver Stone's World Trade Center),
John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings trilogy)
Director: Lek Kitaparaporn
Synopsis: An epic action/adventure of war, loyalty and betrayal set in 1547. Ferndando Da Gama, a young Portugese “Soldier of Fortune” sets sail for the Orient seeking wealth. He is shipwrecked, captured and sold into slavery in Siam. Fernando is soon rescued and pressed into the service of the King of Siam, becoming one of his honored personal guard. When the King is poisoned, Fernando uncovers a plot which could lead the kingdom into war.
Also check out JOHN RHYS-DAVIES in the in the Worldwide
Blockbusters LORD OF THE RINGS
Look for GARY STRETCH in the new Oliver Stone movie WORLD TRADE CENTER.